Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

Rumah Baru dan Para Penghuninya

Sudah hampir enam bulan semenjak saya pindah kerumah saya yang baru, semenjak itu pula lah “mereka” hanya sesekali datang dan sebentar saja mengobrol atau sengaja usil kalau saya sedang berada di teras rumah menikmati angin malam, dan rasa kantuk yang belum juga datang, sepi memang tempat yang saya tempati sekarang tidak terlalu ramai bahkan waktu disiang hari sekalipun… terkecuali sore hari itupun hanya sejam atau dua jam sebelum maghrib para ibu-ibu dan anak-anaknya sering berkumpul di depan rumah saya dan saling bergosip ria dengan ibu saya.

malam itu seperti malam biasanya sepi dan dingin ketika saya baru pulang sekitar jam 12 malam, hanya bunyi kwh pln tetangga yang berbunyi beep beep tanda token listriknya sudah mau habis menyambut kedatangan saya kerumah, karena saya lupa membawa kunci dan dengan terpaksa membangunkan ibu saya yang sudah terlena dengan mimpi indahnya di kamarnya, setelah pintu dibuka dan saya memasuka motor. saya pun membuat kopi dan membawanya keluar untuk saya minum didepan teras rumah sambil menikmati pohon seri yang bergoyang tanpa tertiup angin dan siapa tau “mereka” akan datang.

10 menit sudah saya berada di teras rumah sambil memainkan hp dan beberapa kali saya liat lalu lalang para penghuni malam yang sedang asyik bermain-main di pohon seri depan rumah saya, serta beberapa makhluk yang sudah populer di tv seperti kuntilanak, pocong, genderewo dan lain-lainnya, di samping rumah saya sekitar 20 meter ada rumah kosong dan nampak jelas sekali terlihat karena rumah kosong dan rumah saya itu tidak terhalang oleh apapun.

ketika mata saya tertuju kebangunan rumah kosong tersebut samar terlihat sebuah cahaya hitam bulat sebesar kepalan tangan pria dewasa menabrak kaca rumah kosong tersebut dan perlahan namun pasti saya perhatikan terus arah jatuhnya cahaya hitam tersebut, saya pikir mungkin kelelawar yang salah tempat landasan hingga menabrak kaca rumah itu, namun tidak terdengar suara benturan benda yang ditabrak atau bunyi kaca pecah, semenit kemudian ketika saya masih mencari jawaban atas cahaya hitam tadi ternyata jawaban itu muncul dengan sendirinya….

bayangan itu awalnya terlihat samar-samar namun setelah diperhatikan dengan seksama ternyata duduk seorang pemuda sambil memegang kedua lututnya sambil menundukan muka seperti kebingungan, rupanya penghuni baru datang mencari tempat untuk tinggal disini, namun yang bikin bulu semua bulu saya berdiri ketika melihat bagian tangan dan kakinya yang pada bolong seperti bolong-bolong dibatu karang, melihat pemandangan seperti itu saya pun terdiam hampir satu menit dan buru-buru masuk kedalam ketika makhluk itu akan mengangkat mukanya.

lain kali saya ceritakan penghuni yang lainnya di sekitaran rumah saya yang baru, yah tapi gak terlalu serem seperti yang para pembaca harapkan, sekian dulu ceritanya terima kasih sudah mau membaca tulisan saya

Minggu, 25 Mei 2014

Kelas Mewah disekolah

Halo,.,,salam kenal namaku SechaLee tapi biasa dipanggil Echa,,,pertama aku minta maaf kalu cerita ini menurut kalian gak ada seram seramnya,,tapi sumpah kalau aku inget kejadian itu kau selalu merinding + takut,#dasarPenakut…

Ini cerita aku sendiri ama temenku yang ngalamin,nah aku aku akan nyeritain seluk beluk kelasku dulu,Sebenarnya kelas yang aku tempati bukan kelasku yang waktu pertama kali masuk jadi murid di SMA…..,kelasku yang dulu mau direnovasi,berhubung kelas yang masih bisa dipakai cuma 1 jadilah aku dan teman temanku menempati kelas paling diinginkan dan paling tidak diinginka,,loh kok gitu.??,, yah karena kelasku ini dekat Kantin,jadi kalo lagi pelajaran kosong bisa langsung keluar.(kantin sama kelas berhadapan),hehehe..tapi..adanya tapinya kelasku ini juga dekat dengan gudang dan setiap anak yang berani dekat dekat atau iseng main disitu pasti ada aja,,,ya mulai dari penampakan,kesurupan,sakit Dll,juga kelas ini jauh sama kelas lain

Nah suatu hari ada pelajaran kosong karena gurunya ada urusan,yah bisa dibayangin khan betapa senamngnya kita kita, kalau ada pelajaran kosong, bahkan pelajaran kosong lebih baik daripada batal ulangan.Nah mulailah kita melakukan kesanangan masing masing, ada yang baca novel,dengerin lagu,tulis tulis di whiteboard dan pastinya ke kantin,,,nah waktu itu aku iseng bilang

‘heii,tuh gudang isinya apa sih.??’tanyaku usil

‘ya barang barang gak karuan lah cha’ jawab temanku Maya

‘yah kalau itu aja gue tahu,,,maksudnya siapa yang nungguin gudang itu’kataku sedikit kesal

‘yah lu cari masalah sih cha’kata dion

‘bodoh ah,emang kenapa sih,wong cuma gudang biasa’

‘yah lu gak tahu ceritanya sih..’kata dina kembarannya dion

belum selesai dina ngomong, krisna dateng bilang bangkunya patah,nah karena aku ketua kelasnya, jadinya aku suruh dia ambil bangku baru digudang itu (gudang yang barusan diceritain),,tiba tiba dion marah

‘lu emang mau temen lu mati ya cha’bentak dion marah

‘kok gitu sih.??,,yah gak mungkin lah gue pengen dia mati secara dia itu juga sahabat gue’kataku tak mau kalah

‘ehh udah deh kalian itu masalah kecil aja berantem’kata maya melerai kami berdua’sorry cha,gue maksud ngebentak lu cuma gue gak mau ada kejadian yang tak mengenakkan,mungkin juga cuma feeling gue aja ngerasa gudang itu angker’kata dion sambil

‘gue juga minta maaf,emm yon lu mau khan nganterin gue sama krisna ngambil bangku digudang itu.??’tanyaku

‘mending lu sini aja gue sama krisna yang ngambil bangkunya’kata dion

‘terserah deh ,thanks’kataku

Setelah itu Rio gue tiba tiba ngomong krisna sama dion mana,yah gue jawab mereka ke gudang,nah menurut temenku yang lain Rio ini punya indra ke_6,terus tiba tiba Rio ini marah marah sama bilang kok bisa gue ngebiarin mereka berdua pergi kegudang itu,yah gue jawab gue gak tahu apa apa yo,setelah menunggu lama,kedua makluk tengik itu gak balik balik,,jadinya setelah Rio berpikir agak lama rio ngomong lagi, ‘semua mencar cari mereka berdua yang belum balik ,,intinya 1cwek sama 1cwok,dan lagi jangan sampai melepas pengangan pada teman kalian jangan sampai jangan gengsi jangan cemburu lihat pacar kalian pegangan sama temen kalian ini demi kebaikkan bersama,baiklah mari kita berdoa sesuai keyakinan masing masing,,selesai.,ingat jangan sampai melepas pegangan walaupun hanya 2 detik jangan ada yang melanggar,jugab kalo ada petunjuk dan barang barang krisna yang berceceran tolong hubungi nomernya echa,hp kalain jangan sampai mati okey.’,..okey semua udah kebagian kelompok gue sama Rio nyari disekitar gudang dan tempat angker disekolah,kita gak belum nemuin aja samapi sore padahal kita udah nyari lebih dati 1 1/2 jam dan waktu pulang kuarang dari 30 menit,aku gelisah karena ini salahku menyuruh mereka kesarang setan.tiba tiba Rio berhenti ngedadak,dia nanya

‘Cha lu negerasa ada yang aneh gak’tanya Rio dengan mimik muka ditegar tegarkan

‘iya iya gue ngerasa dari tdai kita udah muter muter tapi gak ada hasil’kataku putus asa

‘cha lu islam khan’


‘baca doa doa yang lu bisa,dan lu haru bilang pada diri lu sendiri bahwa loe gak takut,juga telfon anakl yang lain suruh kekelas lagi ‘kata Rio buat aku sedikit merinding

‘okey,emang ada apa sih.??

‘nanti kalu udah ngumpul baru gue kasih tahu

setelah ngumpul semua…Rio ngomong disini yang punya kekuatan lebih siapa,,gue gak pernah tahu ternyata banyak temen gue yang bisa lihat begituan itu ada 25 anak yang gak bisa lihat cuma 5, termasuk gue.

25 anak itu berkomunikasi dengan ‘Mrs J’,katanya sih hantu terkuat.kita yang bisa lihat begituan komat kamit berdoa,,beberapa menit kemudian,,ada suara bedebum,kita yang kaget langsung buka mata ternyata Dion sama Krisna sudah ada di atas meja guru dalam keadaan pingsan,,setelah dinetralisir sama Rio akhirnya mereka berdua sadar..dan mengalirlah cerita tentang seorang wanita yang sangat cantik memakai kebaya di dekat gudang terus mereka diajak ke kantin katanya dia anak dari salah satu murid disekolah,,,nah habis di traktir itu tiba tiba kita gak ingat apa apa..nah setelah mereka berdua cerita tib atiba pintu yang tadinya menutup langsung terbuka dengan kerasnya,kita langsung ngacir pergi karena takut kejadian tak mengenakkan terulang,,tapi saat kita samapi didepan kantor guru sedang ramai,,ternyata ada yang kesurupan dan katanya ynag memasuki badan seseorang itu berjumlah 5,kami mengetahuinya setelah Rio bilang’Gila bro,yang pengen masuk banyak banget’celetuk Rio ‘maksud lu.??’tanya kita bebarengan ‘tuh lihat danyak yang ngantri pengan masuk juga,kalau fisik sama imannya gak kuat gitu bisa bisa dia mati ditempat’kata Rio sedikit prihatin.

Nah kembali ke gadis yang kesurupan tadi namanyua Bunga,,cwek ini juga kakak kelasku,katanya sih dia abis nginjek anaknya genderuwo samapai mati tapi gak tahu lagi sih..,,ini bagian yang paling aku syukurin dan sesalin.syukurnya teman aku tadi maih selamat dan untungnya gak kesuruapan,,walaupun dion sama krisna disembunyikin agak lama sih sama si setannya,,tapi bodohlah,,nah kak Bunga ini khan habis ada pelajaran OlGa tapi gurunya nganterin anak lomba,,jadinya temen temen kak bunga ngajak berenang, ya udah semua setuju, nah waktu kak bunga udah mau nyemplung ke kolam renangnya ia kepeleset dan kayak nimpa sesuatu,padahal jatuhnya khan ditegel jadi mestinya sakit,tapi katanyua sih gak terlalu sakit,nah temen temennya langsung nolong kak bunga,nah itu hanya hal kecil, terus waktu bilas badannya kak Bunga ngerasa ada yang bilang’ngembalikan annakku’tapi kak Bunga nganggepnya halusinasi,,mungkin si Genderuwonya marah makanya ia ngerasukin tubuh kak bunga, sambil negracau kembalikan annakku,,gadi ini telah membunuh anankku,,terus ada kyai yang datang dan langsung buat perjanjian tapi namanya kehilangan anak pasti sedih banget khan.??,,jadinya si Genderuwo ini gak mau keluar dari tubuh kak Bunga kalau anaknya gak hidup,malah si Genderuwo ini manggil pasukannnya agar masuk ke tubuh kak Bunga jadi sampai beberapa setan gitu,tiba tiba kak Bunga menggeram keras dan langsung pingsan,,geramannya tadi bukan sekedar geraman tapi auman bahkan penjaga kantin dengar aumannya itu,,,kak Bunga tadi langsung dibawa ke rumah,,tapi setelah sehari belum sadar kak Bunga dibawa keruamh sakit dan setelah 2 minggu koma (kata dokternya sih koma,tapi kalau kata orang pintar tubuh kak Bunga dihuni 8 makhluk),,kak Bunga meninggal,tapi uniknya beberapoa menit setelah meninggal muka kak Bunga seperti orang kesakitan,,padahal udah gak bernyawa..setelah didoakan muka ka Bunga jadiu tenang gitu,,yah semoga di tenang disana

Square One

You're in control, is there anywhere you wanna go?
You're in control, is there anything you wanna know?
The future's for discovering
The space in which we're travelling
From the top of the first page
To the end of the last day
From the start in your own way
You just want somebody listening to what you say
It doesn't matter who you are
It doesn't matter who you are

Under the surface trying to break through
Deciphering the codes in you
I need a compass, draw me a map
I'm on the top, I can't get back

Whoa whoa

The first line on the first page
To the end of the last page
From the start in your own way
You just want somebody listening to what you say
It doesn't matter who you are
It doesn't matter who you are

You just want
Somebody listening to what you say
Oh, you just want somebody listening to what you say
It doesn't matter who you are
It doesn't matter who you are

Is there anybody out there who
Is lost and hurt and lonely too
Are they bleeding all your colours into one?
and if you come undone
As if you've been run through
Some catapult it fired you
You wonder if your chance will ever come
Or if you're stuck in square one

3 cara mengembalikan folder yang terhidden oleh virus

Hacker >> Beberapa virus mempunyai perilaku yang sama yaitu menyembunyikan file atau folder asli dan menggantinya dengan file virus bernama sama dengan file dan folder yang disembunyikan. perbedaan yang terlihat adalah ekstensi exe pada file atau folder virus dan ukurannya kecil biasanya tidak lebih dari 70 kb. Folder yang diserang biasanya adalah folder yang paling sering diakses seperti My Document dan folder lain yang sering anda buka.
virus mengubah attribut file foder dengan Hidden atau Read-Only, sehingga flashdisk atau hardisk terlihat kosong padahal jika dilihat properties nya seharusnya penuh. lalu bagaimana caranya me restore atau mengembalikan file atau folder yang hilang tersebut kebentuk awal, coba simak Tiga Trik Jitu Dibawah ini :

Cara I :
Bersihkan flashdisk atau hardisk dengan antivirus terupdate , ini ditujukan agar virus pemicu dapat dihapus jangan lupa sebelumnya non aktifkan System Restore ; Klik kanan My computer > Properties > System Restore > Turn off system restore on all drives. Coba download avg untuk virus luar atau Smadav untuk Virus lokal. Hati2 menggunakan antivirus lain kebanyakan antivirus dapat membersihkan virus dengan menghapus file yang terinfeksi dan tidak dapat memperbaiki file dan folder tersebut. jika dengan antivirus belum berhasil menampilkan file folder yang ter hidden dan hilang coba cara 2.
Cara II :
Menampilkan foder-folder yang ter hidden lewat command prompt :
- Klik Start > Run > Ketik cmd lalu enter
- ketik baris perintah ini : d:\attrib -s -h *.* /s /d jika ingin menampilkan data yang ter hidden dan hilang di drive ‘ d ‘, tunggu beberapa saat dan lihat drive ‘d’ di windows explorer.
Cara diatas dapat juga anda buat di notepad dengan membuat batch file
- Buka notepad ketik attrib -s -h *.* /s /d lalu Save as pada drive atau folder yang ter hidden dengan nama tampil.bat type all Files dan Encoding ANSI.
- klik dua kali file tampil.bat tunggu beberapa saat dan lihat drive ‘d’ di windows explorer
Jika data anda belum kembali jangan putus Asa kita paksa dengan cara III.
Cara III :
Trik ketiga adalah pamungkas kita gunakan Software Recovery Tolls R-Studio. kalau belum punya software nya silahkan
Software ini bisa mengembalikan data yang sudah terhapus, hilang atau ter format sekalipun, apalagi jika cuma ter hidden, tapi jangan terlalu semangat harus sabar, begini caranya :
- Instal dulu R-Studio 5.0 Build 952
- buka program file R-Studio
- Klik kanan pada drive yang ingin anda tampilkan folder dan filenya lalu klik Open Drive files
- Tunggu beberapa saat sampai seluruh folder dan file ditampilkan pada folder Root
- Mark (baca: centang ) folder yang anda ingin restore ada baiknya anda restore folder per folder mulai dari subfolder paling dalam dan kecil, ini untuk mengantisipasi kegagalan.
- Klik Kanan Folder yang sudah di mark lalu pilh Recovery Marked
- Selanjutnya anda tentukan Destination Folder (Tempat meletakkan file hasil Recovery) nah disini saya sarankan untuk memilih drive lain misalnya di drive G kalau ada atau di flashdisk anda. ini juga untuk menghindari kegagalan.
- Tunggu beberapa saat dan lihat foder dan file anda sudah kembali kan !!!
- Jika Folder sudah terhapus Klik kanan pada drivenya lalu pilih Scan, setelah itu baru anda restore seperti diatas. selamat mencoba.
Jika dari ketiga cara di atas tidak bisa mungkin file atau folder anda memeng sudah hilang.

Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014

Eucalyptus Deglupta, Pohon Berbatang Pelangi

Ketika Anda melihat pohon-pohon ini, pasti anda akan berpikir pohon ini selesai di cat. Akan tetapi, warna-warni yang nampak di batang pohon ini sebenarnya bukanlah warna cat, melainkan warna yang muncul secara alami. Pohon yang unik tersebut memiliki nama Eucalyptus deglupta. Namun dikarenakan batangnya memiliki warna-warni seperti pelangi, maka pohon ini pun terkenal dengan sebutan Rainbow Eucalyptus.

Garis-garis multi-warna yang jelas terlihat pada batangnya berasal dari tambalan kulit luarnya yang mana proses penambalan kulit ini akan selalu berlangsung setiap tahunnya secara rutin.

Eucalyptus deglupta merupakan satu-satunya spesies Eucalyptus yang ditemukan secara alami di belahan bumi utara. Tumbuh secara alami di New Britain, New Guinea, Seram, Sulawesi dan Mindanao. Sekarang, pohon ini dibudidayakan secara luas di seluruh dunia, terutama untuk kayu yang digunakan dalam pembuatan kertas, dan juga untuk tujuan hiasan.

Karya Arsitektur Unik yang Dapat Menghasilkan Alunan Nada Bertenaga Angin

The Singing Ringing Tree adalah sebuah bangunan menyerupai bentuk pohon yang bisa mengeluarkan bunyi alunan nada indah bertenaga angin yang unik. Dibangun dalam area pegunungan Pennine di Lancashire, Inggris.

Dirancang oleh arsitek Mike Tonkin dan Anna Liu Tonkin Liu, The Singing Ringing Tree atau Pohon bernyanyi adalah konstruksi bangunan dengan tinggi 3 meter yang terdiri dari pipa baja galvanis yang memanfaatkan energi angin untuk menghasilkan alunan dengung yang rendah dan lembut.

Kualitas harmonis dan nyanyian pohon diproduksi oleh tuning pipa sesuai dengan panjang mereka dengan menambahkan lubang pada bagian bawah masing-masing.

Selesai dibuat pada tahun 2006, The Singing Ringing Tree adalah bagian dari seri empat patung dalam seni Panopticons dan proyek regenerasi diciptakan oleh Jaringan Lingkungan Seni Lancashire Timur.

10 Profesi Yang Terancam Punah Digantikan Oleh Mesin

Ingin tahu prediksi pekerjaan-pekerjaan apa saja yang bisa saja punah, tergantikan oleh tenaga mesin dalam beberapa tahun mendatang? Berikut 10 pekerjaan yang mungkin tergantikan, seperti dikutip dari

1. Teller bank

Peran dari pekerjaan yang satu ini sudah mulai digantikan oleh mesin anjungan tunai mandiri (ATM). Saat ini, nasabah bank dapat mengambil uang tunai, transfer dana, membayar tagihan, hingga membeli pulsa melalui mesin ATM. Melalui sebuah mesin khusus lainnya, nasabah pun dapat menyetor uang tunai ke rekeningnya.

Menurut Mark Gilder, Director of Distribution Strategy Citibank, saat ini setidaknya 85 persen pekerjaan teller bank dapat dilakukan di ATM.

Meskipun begitu, jenis pekerjaan ini masih belum digantikan oleh mesin sepenuhnya. Menurut Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) AS, tidak ada perubahan yang terlalu signifikan pada jumlah tenaga kerja ini hingga tahun 2022 mendatang.

2. Kasir

Kasir merupakan salah satu contoh lain pekerjaan yang dapat digantikan dengan mesin. Beberapa toko besar di AS dan negara-negara Barat lainnya sudah menyediakan sebuah mesin khusus untuk layanan mandiri para pembelinya.

Nantinya, para pembeli bisa memindai dan melakukan pembayaran secara mandiri melalui mesin tersebut. Hingga saat ini, mesin mandiri tersebut diketahui sudah berjumlah 430.000 unit di seluruh dunia, meningkat hingga empat kali lipatnya dari tahun 2008 lalu.

3. Resepsionis

Tugas menerima panggilan telepon yang biasanya dimiliki oleh resepsionis saat ini sudah mulai dikerjakan oleh mesin penjawab atau sistem asisten virtual. Salah satu sistem yang mulai terkenal adalah virtual receptionist.

Di negara dengan teknologi maju seperti Jepang, peran resepsionis bahkan sudah tergantikan robot sungguhan.

4. Operator telepon

Sama seperti resepsionis, tugas penerima panggilan dari konsumen sudah mulai tergantikan mesin penjawab otomatis.

5. Tukang pos

Peran surat berbentuk fisik saat ini sudah tergantikan oleh e-mail atau surat elektronik. Selain lebih hemat, tidak menggunakan prangko, kertas, dan lain-lain, e-mail dapat terkirim hanya dalam hitungan detik saja.

6. Agen perjalanan (travel agent)

Beberapa tahun lalu, konsumen harus pergi ke agen perjalanan apabila ingin memesan tiket pesawat. Namun, kini konsumen dapat melakukannya sendiri melalui situs maskapai yang ingin digunakan.

Selain lebih praktis, konsumen dapat memilah sendiri, tiket mana yang paling murah.

7. Juru ketik

Peran juru ketik untuk masa depan diprediksi akan tergantikan oleh mesin atau software pengenal suara. Saat ini, para ahli dan perusahaan teknologi raksasa terus mengembangkan dan menyempurnakan sistem tersebut.

8. Reporter

Dengan meningkatnya layanan blog dan media online, profesi reporter media cetak atau koran diprediksi akan terus menurun.

Perangkat lunak pun kini sudah mulai dapat digunakan untuk menulis artikel. Sebagai contoh, The New York Times menggunakan teknologi situs web semantik untuk membuat pengumuman pernikahan.

Alih-alih seorang reporter menulis berita pernikahan, para pembaca dapat memasukkan informasi sendiri melalui dunia maya, seperti informasi pengantin, pekerjaan, dan banyak lagi. Informasi tersebut nantinya akan diatur sedemikian rupa oleh sebuah perangkat lunak untuk dijadikan sebuah artikel pengumuman pernikahan.

9. Penginput data (data entry)

Peran pekerjaan ini dapat digantikan oleh software pengenal suara, sama seperti juru ketik.

10. Telemarketer

Tidak berbeda dari resepsionis, peran telemarketer juga bisa digantikan oleh sistem mesin penjawab otomatis.

kapal Tipe 45/Kelas Daring (Inggris)

Tipe 45, atau juga dikenal sebagai kelas Daring, adalah kapal perusak kelas baru yang dibangun oleh BAE Systems Surface Ships untuk Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Inggris. Tipe 45 menjadi kapal perusak terbesar dan tercanggih yang dimiliki Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Inggris.

Kapal perusak pertama dari Tipe 45, HMS Daring (D32), ditugaskan pada bulan Juli 2009, dan kapal keenam sekaligus yang terakhir, HMS Duncan (D37), dilantik ke Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Inggris pada bulan September 2013. HMS Daring memiliki bobot benaman penuh lebih dari 8.500 ton dan diawaki oleh 190 personel.

Tipe 45 dipersenjatai dengan sistem pertahanan udara Sea Viper (PAAMS), sistem peluncur vertikal Sylver A50, rudal Aster, rudal Harpoon anti kapal, senjata Mark 8, dua senjata Oerlikon 30 mm, dua Phalanx CIWS, dan senapan mesin. Sistem propulsi integrated electric (IEP) memberikannya kecepatan tertinggi 27 knot.

kapal Tipe 052D (China)

Tipe 052D, versi upgrade dari kelas Luyang-II/Tipe 052C, adalah kapal perusak baru yang dibangun oleh galangan kapal Jiangnan Changxing untuk Angkatan Laut Tentara Pembebasan Rakyat (PLAN) China. Bobot benaman penuh 7.500 ton menjadikan Tipe 052D sebagai kapal perusak terbesar kesepuluh di dunia. Kapal pertama dari Tipe 052D, Kunming (172) dijadwalkan akan ditugaskan pada tahun ini.

Tipe 052D berdimensi panjang 155 meter, lebar 18 meter dan diawaki oleh 280 personel. Dipersenjatai dengan close-in weapon system (CIWS)*, senjata 130 mm single-barrel, tabung torpedo, dan sistem peluncur vertikal (vertical launch system/VLS) baru yang mirip dengan VLS MK 41 Amerika Serikat.

Tipe 052D dilengkapi dengan fasilitas pendaratan dan hanggar untuk helikopter, dan dilengkapi dengan sistem propulsi kombinasi diesel atau gas (CODOG) dengan dua mesin turbin gas QC-280 dan dua mesin diesel, memberikannya kecepatan maksimum 30 knot (55,56 km/jam).

Bunker Tabung Anti Kiamat Buatan Amerika

Amerika sepertinya menanggapi serius cerita tentang Kiamat yang menurut ramalan mendatang. Belum lagi prediksi ramalan kiamat ini diperkuat oleh jam kiamat yang katanya sangat dipengaruhi oleh cerita nuklir Iran yang sekarang lagi bergejolak.

Untuk mengantisipasi kiamat ini, Sebuah toko perlengkapan Angkatan Laut di Kota Altamonte Springs, Negara Bagian Florida, Amerika Serikat, menyediakan Bangunan Bunker Tabung Anti Kiamat lengkap dengan peralatan mewah dan nyaman di dalamnya. Dan berikut adalah koleksi Foto Bangunan Bunker Tempat Anti Kiamat Buatan Amerika seperti di kutip dari

Amerika sepertinya menanggapi serius cerita tentang Kiamat 2012 yang menurut ramalan suku Maya akan terjadi pada 21 Desember 2012 mendatang. Belum lagi prediksi ramalan kiamat ini diperkuat oleh jam kiamat yang katanya sangat dipengaruhi oleh cerita nuklir Iran yang sekarang lagi bergejolak.

Untuk mengantisipasi kiamat ini, Sebuah toko perlengkapan Angkatan Laut di Kota Altamonte Springs, Negara Bagian Florida, Amerika Serikat, menyediakan Bangunan Bunker Tabung Anti Kiamat lengkap dengan peralatan mewah dan nyaman di dalamnya. Dan berikut adalah koleksi Foto Bangunan Bunker Tempat Anti Kiamat Buatan Amerika seperti di kutip dari
Dan jika kiamat yang dimaksud adalah seperti yang tertulis di dalam Alquran, maka hanya orang gila saja yang mau membayar 10.000 USD/orang untuk bersembunyi di Bunker Tabung Anti Kiamat Buatan Amerika ini.

Ya namanya juga kiamat gak ada yang bakal selamat, intinya lebih banyak tingkatkan keimanan kita kepada Allah SWT dan jangan lupa selalu membaca alqur'an


Gaeng Sataw

Setiap masakan yang menggunakan bahan sataw, yang kita sebut petai, pasti laris manis di semua restoran yang menjual masakan Thai selatan. Petai, yang beraroma khas, sangat lezat ketika sudah dimasak dan juga sangat sehat. Petai seringkali digoreng dengan daging dan pasta kare.


Tom Som Pla Krabok 
Masakan ini berbentuk sup asam dari ikan lain yang populer di masakan Thai selatan adalah tom som pla krabok. Rasanya tidak sepedas gaeng som, tetapi mungin masakan ini merupakan yang paling asam dari masakan Thailand.
Setiap sendok sup ini bisa membuat mulut kamu mengkerut, tetapi terasa sangat segar. Bersama dengan rasa asam yang menyegarkan tersebut, terdapat juga paduan antara akar kunyit, jahe, dan sari buah asam.


Kua Kling

Saus dalam masakan Thai lebih sebagai kuah daripada pelengkap. Tetapi kua kling merupakan masakan yang tidak menggunakan penyedap rasa tambahan. Kua Kling merupakan kare kering ala Thai Selatan yang biasanya terbuatdari daging babi, sapi, atau ayam.
Tanpa menggunakan santan kelapa (seperti kebanyakan kare Thai lainnya), daging yang kering menjadikannya seperti spons yang menyerap bumbu dan rempah-rempahnya.
Dagingnya diinjeksi dengan bumbu kare, cabai, bawang putih, dan irisan serai sebelum ditaburi irisan tipis daun jeruk limau, atau terkadang lada utuh. Tiap gigitannya merupakan paduan mengasyikkan dari mulanya terasa pedas membara dan berakhir dengan aroma jeruk menyegarkan.


Gaeng Tai Pla

Makanan ini memang tidak mengenyangkan bagi kebanyakan orang yang pertama kali mencobanya. Tapi ketika mereka tidak mencicipi masakan Thai Selatan sekian lama, pasti mereka akan mencari pertama kali adalah gaeng tai pla.

Masakan ini berupa sup ikan yang kental, lebih seperti sup multidimensional dengan lapisan rasa yang rumit. Bahan-bahannya merupakan kombinasi dari jeroan ikan, ikan bakar, terasi udang, terong, labu, kacang panjang, dan rebung.
Seperti kebanyakan masakan Thai selatan lainnya, Cabe kering, bawang putih, bawang merah, serai, daun jeruk limau, lengkuas, dan kunyit-lah yang memberi gaeng tai pla rasa yang segar.


Gaeng Som Pla

Di Bangkok dikenal dengan Gaeng Leung, masakan Thai Selatan yang menjadi favorit berbentuk sup yang dapat kamu terbelalak, seperti jus jeruk yang dibakar. Dalam bahasa Thai, 'gaeng som pla' berarti 'kare asam', walaupun sebenarnya rasanya lebih rumit dari itu.
Sup tersebut biasanya dibuat dengan kaldu ikan dikombinasikan dengan pasta kare dan kunyit sehingga berwarna kuning. Gaeng som biasanya dimasak bersama rebung, pepaya muda, atau potongan nanas.



Ini dia grup band paling fresh yang debut di tahun 2012. Lunafly merupakan grup band yang dikenal dengan ciri khas pop akustik nya yang bernaung di bawah agensi Nega Network. Grup band dengan 3 member (Sam, Teo, dan Yun) ini merilis single berjudul How Nice It Would Be yang diciptakan sendiri oleh para membernya. Sukses debut, 3 member yang semuanya berprofesi sebagai pencipta lagu juga sukses menggelar konser Solo mereka pada awal Desember 2012 lalu di Jepang.

Tak hanya itu, digital single ke-2 mereka yang berjudul Clear Day, Cloudy Day juga sukses di pasaran. Kesuksesan mereka semakin menanjak setelah mempromosikan lagu-lagunya via iTunes ke seluruh dunia. Kabar terakhir, Lunafly dikonfirmasi akan segera menggelar show case pertamanya di Jakarta pada 28 Maret mendatang.


Lalalala Lalalala Lalalala eongmang chinchang dwaesseoYecheuk burheo chikeu chaekeu chakku wae irae dakaseomyeon dwitgeok-eumchyeo etkallike haeLalalala Lalalala Lalalala eongmang chinchang dwaesseo dwichok bakchok Uh-Uh-Uh-UhIlbon ilcho watda katda matchu-kiga himdeureo meoributeo palkkeut-kkaji ni chwihyang-e ttakLalalala Lalalala Lalalala wancheon neokda-un dwaesseo eocheonya na Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh
Chincha isanghan keon sashileun nanji molla dolgo dolgo dora eochil eochil eoryeowokkeutnae miso hanbang keu keo hana-e Reset. Be My Girl
*Gojang nan battery nan chakdong bolka neon nal chaseok cheoreom oreun jjeuk win jjeuk kkeureodaeng-kyeocha, kidarideon songan neol Catch Up umul chumul beolsseo aigoo Game Over
Heodeung Jideung nun kkamppak hal sai da nochilla cheongshincharyeo ttwineun nom wi-e-neun naneun nom itdaLalalala Lalalala Lalalala eongmang chinchang dwaesseo neo ttaemun-e Uh-Uh-Uh-Uhyori chori iricheori nado kkwae neureotji chakyong banchakyongee beopchik bachak kinjang nohjimaLalalala Lalalala Lalalala an cheolbu jeol mot hae na ttaemun-e Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh
Hana bonmyeong han keot ikeon sarangee bangshik dugeun dugeun dugeun kidaechungman kidaryeoMilgo dangkyeobwaya cheonbuda shigan nangbi Be My Girl
**Ikeot cham momeum-pyo oh maksang makha keo-ul bodeut dapda aicham aicham kiha makhyeoCha, Shijakiya kyeolkuk da Warm Up alssong dalsonghan Love dwaesseo dwaesseo keo-ee da wasseo
O.K. cha standby kkum kkwi watdeon sunganiya tto chwa chong udol yecheuk bolheo kwaenchanha da chu-aneo-reul hyang-han ma-eum na byeonchi anha yaksok halke chikyeobwara nae sarangeul
Lalalala Lalalala Lalalala eongmang chinchang dwaesseo dwijok bakjok Uh-Uh-Uh-UhLalalala Lalalala Lalalala eongmang chinchang dwaesseo neo ttaemun-e Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh

Surat Untuk Sahabat

Kau ingat saat kita pertama jumpa
Kau ingat juga saat kita bersendau gurau
Saat itu, hangat persahabatan kita tak dapat dipadamkan
Bagai mentari yang menerangi bumi yg gelap memadam

Namun, mengapa sekarang kita terpisah
Menjauh dan terhenti sampai disini
Apa mungkin api persahabatan itu telah hilang
Terlelap dan pergi oleh hembusan angin badai

Aku rindu dengan kebersamaan kita dulu,
Aku rindu saat kau memanggilku,
Aku rindu dengan suara tawamu itu,
Dan aku sangat merindukan ucapan kata pertamamu yaitu “sahabat”

Sekarang aku disini kesepian
Tanpa kehadiranmu disini hari ini,
Surat ini kutulis, untukmu.. <untuk kita>
Kuharap kau kembali..
Membawa sejuta kenangan kita saat itu..
Dan mengenggam persahabatan kita dulu yg terlepas

Sahabat, sahabat, sahabat…….


1. Angler Fish
ikan pun ada yg obesitas inilah ikan paling aneh dan paling serem kale ye di dunia ini. Lihat aja gambar di bawah ini kalau nggak percaya. Bintang sih percaya aja

2. Komondor Dog
ya ampun udah kayak keset aja nih anjing. Anjing yang aneh

3. Angora Rabbit
benar-benar kelinci yang unik, tapi kok nggak mirip ya hmmmmmmmmmmm

4. Monyet Proboskis
hidungnya kayak di squidward di spongbob, benar-benr lucu abis

5. Axolotl
ini hewan termasuk jenis salamander yg hidup di air & suka gali pasir lucu ya? Benar-benar unik, tapi lucu kayak boneka

6. Aye-Aye
Binatang aneh macam apa lagi ini….

7. Dumbo Octopus
Sering liat gambar gurita lucu ini? besarnya cuma 20 cm lho….ada yg minat piara ga? unik kan punya binatang kayak ini dirumah

8. Blobfish
wwkwkwk… nih hewan benar-benar kasihan banget mukanya. ha ha ha lihat aja gambarnya kayak orang mau butuh dikasihani

9. Yeti Crab
kepitingnya keren banget kan bro, unik dan aneh mungkin nggak. Tapi benar-benar keren

10. Purple Polar Bear
beruang kutub ini entah baru jadi janda ato gimana, tiba2 warnanya berubah jadi ungu setelah melahirkan…tp setelah beberapa hari katanya warnanya kembali jadi putih (strange!). nggak percaya.. lihat gambar di bawah ini! Benar-benar beruang yang unik dan aneh….

Hari Merdeka

Tujuh belas agustus tahun empat lima
Itulah hari kemerdekaan kita
Hari merdeka nusa dan bangsa
Hari lahirnya bangsa Indonesia
*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.Net
Sekali merdeka tetap merdeka
Selama hayat masih di kandung badan
Kita tetap setia tetap setia
Mempertahankan Indonesia
Kita tetap setia tetap setia
Membela negara kita

Cara membasmi virus-virus

Virus >> Sebenarnya membasmi virus komputer itu bukanlah perkara yang sulit,ada cara lain yang ternyata tidak kalah ampuhnya dalam membasmi antivirus dengan menggunakan virus  komputer.Virus Komputer diciptakan untuk beranak pinak dan menyerang sistem operasi kita,yang mengakibatkan beberapa file file kita hilang akibat dari aktivitas virus komputer ini.Bagi yang belum membaca virus komputer yang mematikan silahkan dibaca untuk menambah pengetahuan teman teman.Ternyata setelah diselidiki,virus tidak menghapus file filekita,melainkan hanya menyembunyikan,sekali lagi buat teman teman yang belum membaca postingan saya mengenai cara mengembalikan file yang disembunyikan virus.

Baiklah,tanpa memperpanjang lebar lagi langsung saja cara basmi semua virus komputer tanpa antivirus:

1.yang pertama untuk menghindari virus komputer menginfeksikan ke komputer,kita harus berhati hati dalam proses melakukan transfer data baik itu dari flashdisk,memory hp,maupun jaringan internet,serta untuk pencegahan kita perlu menampilkan file file yang di sembunyikan (dihidden).

2.Hapus file file virus
Manfaat fasilitas yang disediakan windows yang berupa windows explorer untuk menemukan file file yang dicurigai sebagai virus

3.Nonaktifkan proses virus
Hal ini sangatlah penting dilakukan.Biasanya proses virus berbentuk ikon yang berupa folder juga berbentuk file microsoft word.Gunakan aplikasi seperti process explorer,pocket killbox,showkill process dan lain sebagainya

4.Pulihkan Registry
Jika tidak melakukan hal ini,maka virus bukan tidak mungkin dapat merusak lagi komputer kita.Hapus juga entry schedule task yang dibuat virus jika ada.
5.Nonaktivkan system restore
Fasilitas yang disediakan oleh windows ini berfungsi dalam mengembalikan konfigurasi sistem kedalam konfigurai sistem yang sebelumnya.Ini penting dilakukan agar tidak kembali ke konfigurasi sistem sebelumnya yang telah dirusak virus.
Semoga Berhasil..

Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Ain't No Sunshine

[Spoken Intro:]
You ever want something
that you know you shouldn't have
The more you know you shouldn't have it,
The more you want it
And then one day you get it,
It's so good too
But it's just like my girl
When she's around me
I just feel so good, so good
But right now I just feel cold, so cold
Right down to my bones
'Cause ooh...
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
It's not warm when she's away
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And she's always gone too long
Anytime she goes away

Wonder this time where she's gone
Wonder if she's gone to stay
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away

I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, know, know, know, know,
I know, I know,
Hey I ought to leave
I ought to leave her alone
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
Only darkness every day
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away


Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And everything you do,
Yeah, they were all yellow.

I came along,
I wrote a song for you,
And all the things you do,
And it was called "Yellow".

So then I took my turn,
Oh what a thing to have done,
And it was all yellow.

Your skin,
Oh yeah your skin and bones,
Turn into
Something beautiful,
You know,
You know I love you so,
You know I love you so.

I swam across,
I jumped across for you,
Oh what a thing to do.
'Cause you were all yellow,

I drew a line,
I drew a line for you,
Oh what a thing to do,
And it was all yellow.

Your skin,
Oh yeah your skin and bones,
Turn into
Something beautiful,
And you know,
For you I'd bleed myself dry,
For you I'd bleed myself dry.

It's true,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine for,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine for you,
Look how they shine.

Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And all the things that you do.


Trying hard to speak and
Fighting with my weak hand
Driven to distraction
So part of the plan
When something is broken
And you try to fix it
Trying to repair it
Any way you can
I'm diving off the deep end
You become my best friend
I wanna love you
But I don't know if I can
I know something is broken
And I'm trying to fix it
Trying to repair it
Any way I can

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh...

You and me are floating on a tidal wave...
You and me are drifting into outer space...
And singing

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh...

You and me are floating on a tidal wave...
You and me are drifting into outer space
You and me are floating on a tidal wave...
You and me are drifting into outer space...
And singing

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh...

White Shadows

When I was a young boy I tried to listen
And I wanna feel like that
Little white shadows, blink and miss them
Part of a system I am

If you ever feel like something's missing?
Things you'll never understand
Little white shadows, sparkle and glisten
Part of a system plan

All this noise, I'm waking up
All the space I'm taking up
All this sound is breaking up


Maybe you get what you wanted
Maybe you stumbled upon it
Everything you ever wanted
In a permanent state

Maybe you'll know when you see it
Maybe if you say it, you'll mean it
And when you find it, you keep it
In a permanent state
A permanent state

When I was a young boy
I tried to listen
Don't you wanna feel like that?

We're part of the human race and
All of the stars and the outer space
We're part of the system plan

All this noise, I'm waking up
And all the space, I'm taking up
I said I cannot hear you, you're breaking up

Maybe you get what you wanted
Maybe you stumbled upon it
Everything you ever wanted
In a permanent state

Maybe you'll know when you see it
Maybe if you say it, you'll mean it
And when you find it, you keep it
In a permanent state
A permanent state

Swim out on a sea of faces,
The tide of the human races,
An answer now is what I need.

See it in a new sun rising
See it break on your horizon
Oh, come on love, stay with me...

What If?

What if there was no lie
Nothing wrong, nothing right
What if there was no time
And no reason, or rhyme
What if you should decide
That you don't want me there by your side
That you don't want me there in your life
What if I got it wrong
And no poem or song
Could put right what I got wrong
Or make you feel I belong

What if you should decide
That you don't want me there by your side
That you don't want me there in your life

Ooh ooh-ooh, that's right
Let's take a breath, jump over the side
Ooh ooh-ooh, that's right
How can you know it, if you don't even try
Ooh ooh-ooh, that's right

Every step that you take
Could be your biggest mistake
It could bend or it could break
That's the risk that you take

What if you should decide
That you don't want me there in your life
That you don't want me there by your side

Ooh ooh-ooh, that's right
Let's take a breath, jump over the side
Ooh ooh-ooh, that's right
How can you know when you don't even try
Ooh ooh-ooh, that's right

Oh - Ooh ooh-ooh, that's right,
Let's take a breath, jump over the side.
Ooh ooh-ooh, that's right,
You know that darkness always turns into light.
Ooh-ooh, that's right

We Never Change

I wanna live life, never be cruel,
I wanna live life, be good to you.
I wanna fly, never come down,
And live my life,
And have friends around.
We never change, do we?
We never learn, do we?
So I wanna live in a wooden house,
I wanna live life, always be true,
I wanna live life, and be good to you,
I wanna fly, and never come down,
And I live my life, and have friends around.
We never change do we? No, no,
We never learned to leave.
So I wanna live in a wooden house,
Making more friends would be easy.
Oh and I don't have a show to say,
Yes, and I sin every single day,
We never change, do we?
We never learned to leave.
So, I wanna live in a wooden house,
Making more friends would be easy,
I wanna live where the sun comes out.

Warning Sign

A warning sign
I missed the good part, then I realised
I started looking and the bubble burst
I started looking for excuses
Come on in
I've gotta tell you what a state I'm in
I've gotta tell you in my loudest tones
That I started looking for a warning sign

When the truth is, I miss you
Yeah the truth is, that I miss you so

A warning sign
It came back to haunt me, and I realised
That you were an island and I passed you by
And you were an island to discover

Come on in
I've gotta tell you what a state I'm in
I've gotta tell you in my loudest tones
That I started looking for a warning sign

When the truth is, I miss you
Yeah the truth is, that I miss you so

And I'm tired, I should not have let you go

So I crawl back into your open arms
Yes I crawl back into your open arms
And I crawl back into your open arms
Yes I crawl back into your open arms.

Viva La Vida

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own

I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"

One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world

It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become

Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh, who would ever wanna be king?

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

Violet Hill

It was a long and dark December
From the rooftops I remember
There was snow, white snow

Clearly I remember
From the windows they were watching
While we froze down below

When the future's architectured
By a carnival of idiots on show
You'd better lie low

If you love me, won't you let me know?

Was a long and dark December
When the banks became cathedrals
And the fox became God

Priests clutched onto Bibles
Hollowed out to fit their rifles
And a cross was held aloft

Bury me in armour
When I'm dead and hit the ground
A love back home, it unfolds

And if you love me, won't you let me know?

I don't want to be a soldier
Who the captain of some sinking ship
Would stow, far below.

So if you love me, why d'you let me go?

I took my love down to violet hill
There we sat in snow
All that time she was silent still

Said if you love me, won't you let me know?
If you love me, won't you let me know?

Us Against The World

Oh morning come bursting the clouds, Amen.
Lift off this blindfold, let me see again.
And bring back the water, let your ships roll in, in my heart, she left a hole.

The tightrope that I'm walking just sways and ties.
The devil, as he's talking, with those angel's eyes.
And I just wanna be there when the lightning strikes.
And the saints go marching in

And sing slow it down,
Through chaos as it swirls,
It's us against the world.

Like a river to a raindrop,
I lost a friend.
My drunken has a Daniel in a lion's den.
And tonight I know it all has to begin again,
So whatever you do,
Don't let go.

And if we could float away,
Fly up to the surface and just start again.
And lift off before trouble just erodes us in the rain
Just erodes us in the rain
Just erodes us and see roses in the rain

Sing slow it down
Slow it down

Through chaos as it swirls,
It's us against the world.
Through chaos as it swirls,
It's us against the world

Up With The Birds

The birds they sang, at break of day.
"Start again", I hear them say.
It's so hard to just walk away.
The birds they sang, all a choir,
"Start again a little higher".
It's a spark in a sea of gray.

The sky is blue,
Dreamed that lie 'til it's true,
Then takin' back the punch I threw,
My arms turn wings,
Oh, those clumsy things
Send me up to that wonderful world
And then I'm up with the birds.

Might have to go where they don't know my name
Float all over the world just to see her again
And I won't show or fear any pain,
Even though all my armor might rust in the rain

A simple plot but I know one day
Good things are coming our way
A simple plot but I know one day
Good things are coming our way,
Oh, yeah...

Up In Flames

So it's over
This time, I know, it's gone
Salt water
You tasted it too long
I only know one role
Now I know it's gone

Up in flames
Up in flames
Up in flames

We have slowly gone

So it's over
This time, you're flyin' home
This time, I know no song
Can't stop it slowly go
Can't stop it slowly go

Up in flames
Up in flames
Up in flames

We have slowly gone

Up in flames
Up in flames
Up in flames

We have slowly gone
Oh, we have slowly gone

Could we pour some water on?

Twisted Logic

Sunlight, opened up my eyes
To see for the first time
You'll open them up
And tonight, rivers will run dry
And not for the first time
Rivers will run

Hundreds of years in the future
It could be computers
Looking for life on earth

Don't fight for the wrong side
Say what you feel like
Say how you feel

You'll go backwards, but then
You'll go forwards again
You'll go backwards, but then
You'll go

Created, then drilled and invaded
If somebody made it
Someone will mess it up

And you are not wrong to
Ask who does this belong to
It belongs to all of us

You'll go backwards, but then
You'll go forwards again
You'll go backwards, but then
you'll go forwards

You'll go backwards, but then
you'll go forwards again
You'll go forwards again
You'll go forwards

True Love

For a second, I was in control
I had it once, I lost it though
And all along the fire below would rise

And I wish you could have let me know
What's really going on below
I've lost you now, you let me go
But one last time

Tell me you love me
If you don't then lie
Lie to me

Remember once upon a time
When I was yours and you were blind
The fire would sparkle in your eyes
And mine

So tell me you love me
And if you don't then lie
Lie to me

Just tell me you love me
If you don't then lie
Lie to me
If you don't then lie
Lie to me

And call it true
Call it true love
Call it true
Call it true love


Oh, no, I see
A spider web, it's tangled up with me,
And I lost my head,
The thought of all the stupid things I'd said,

Oh, no, what's this?
A spider web, and I'm caught in the middle,
So I turned to run,
The thought of all the stupid things I've done,

And I never meant to cause you trouble,
And I never meant to do you wrong,
And I, well, if I ever caused you trouble,
Oh no, I never meant to do you harm.

Oh, no, I see
A spider web, and it's me in the middle,
So I twist and turn,
Here am I in my little bubble,
Singing out...

I never meant to cause you trouble,
And I never meant to do you wrong,
And I, well, if I ever caused you trouble,
Oh, no, I never meant to do you harm.

They spun a web for me,
They spun a web for me,
They spun a web for me.

Til Kingdom Come

Steal my heart and hold my tongue.
I feel my time, my time has come.
Let me in, unlock the door.
I've never felt this way before.

The wheels just keep on turning,
The drummer begins to drum,
I don't know which way I'm going,
I don't know which way I've come.

Hold my head inside your hands,
I need someone who understands.
I need someone, someone who hears,
For you, I've waited all these years.

For you, I'd wait 'til kingdom come.
Until my day, my day is done.
And say you'll come, and set me free,
Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me.

In your tears and in your blood,
In your fire and in your flood,
I hear you laugh, I heard you sing,
"I wouldn't change a single thing."

The wheels just keep on turning,
The drummers begin to drum,
I don't know which way I'm going,
I don't know what I've become.

For you, I'd wait 'til kingdom come,
Until my days, my days are done.
Say you'll come and set me free,
Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me.
Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me.
Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me.

Things I Don't Understand

How tides control the sea
And what becomes of me
How little things can slip out of your hand

How often people change
No two remain the same
Why things don't always turn out as you planned

These are things that I don't understand
Yeah these are things that I don't understand

I can't (and I can't)
Wrong (oh my wrong)
From right
Day (oh my day)
From night
Dark (oh my dark)
From light
I love (but I love)
This life

How infinite is space
And who decides your fate
Why everything will dissolve into sand

How to avoid defeat
Where truth and fiction meet
Why nothing ever turns out as you planned

These are things that I don't understand
Yeah these are things that I don't understand

I can't (and I can't)
Wrong (oh my wrong)
From right
Day (oh my day)
From night
Dark (oh my dark)
From light
I love (but I love)
This life.

The World Turned Upside Down

X and Y
The land, sea, rivers, trees, the stars, the sky
That and this
We're part of a bigger plan
Don't know what it is
Don't know what it is

You and me
The land, sun, trees, the sky, the stars, the sea
365 degrees
I am a puzzle, you're the missing piece
Hang on a minute, just a minute, please
I'll come
And everything under the sun
And everything under the sun

What is this feeling that I can't explain?
And why am I never gonna sleep again?
What is this thing I've never seen before?
A little boy lost in a breaking storm
Hide and sob, and away they fly
To write your name in the summer sky
Life has really only just begun
Life that comes
And everything under the sun

X is Y
The land, sea, rivers, trees, the stars, the sky
365 degrees
All of the surface and the underneath
Searching your mellow and outsings your key, ah
And everything under the sun
And everything under the sun

What is this feeling that I can't explain?
And why am I never gonna sleep again?
What is this thing I've never seen before?
A little boy lost in a breaking storm
Hide and sob, and away they fly
To write your name in the summer sky
Life has really only just begun
Life that comes
And everything under the sun

And you don't know that you've been born
Can't see the calm until the storm
Can't tell your right side from your wrong
Can't see the wave you're riding on

The Scientist

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need you
Tell you I'll set you apart

Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions
Oh let's go back to the start
Running in circles, coming in tails
Heads on a science apart

Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh, take me back to the start.

I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling your puzzles apart
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart

Tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing our tails
Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start

Ooooohhhhhhh [4x]

The Hardest Part

And the hardest part
Was letting go, not taking part
Was the hardest part

And the strangest thing
Was waiting for that bell to ring
It was the strangest start

I could feel it go down
Bittersweet, I could taste in my mouth
Silver lining the cloud
Oh and I
I wish that I could work it out

And the hardest part
Was letting go, not taking part
You really broke my heart

And I tried to sing
But I couldn’t think of anything
And that was the hardest part

I could feel it go down
You left the sweetest taste in my mouth
You're a silver lining the clouds
Oh and I
Oh and I
I wonder what it’s all about
I wonder what it’s all about

Everything I know is wrong
Everything I do, it's just comes undone
And everything is torn apart

Oh and it’s the hardest part
That’s the hardest part
Yeah that’s the hardest part
That’s the hardest part

The Goldrush

I went digging for gold
I went down to the valley
Over by the mountain
Where the prospektor had been told
I'm marching through the cold
We're marching through the cold

I went digging for gold
I went down with my brother
A bucket and a shovel
and a book about the colour of coal
I'm marching through the cold
We're marching through the cold

There's a tiny little crackle on the telephone line
Saying what use the metal if the metal don't shine?
She said bring me back a ring cause I really want one
Now I been digging so long that I never seen the sun

I went digging for gold
I went down to the valley
Over by the mountain
Where the prospektor had been told
I'm marching through the cold
We're marching through the cold

There's a tiny little crackle on the telephone line
Saying what use the metal if the metal don't shine?
She said bring me back a ring cause I really want one
Now I been digging so long that I never seen the sun
Now I been digging so long that I never seen the sun last time
Now I been digging so long that I never seen the sun

The Escapist

And in the end
We lie awake
And we dream
Of making our escape

And in the end
We lie awake
And we dream
Of making our escape



Oh brother I can't, I can't get through
I've been trying hard to reach you, cause I don't know what to do
Oh brother I can't believe it's true
I'm so scared about the future and I wanna talk to you
Oh I wanna talk to you

You can take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or write a song nobody has sung
Or do something that's never been done

Are you lost or incomplete?
Do you feel like a puzzle, you can't find your missing piece?
Tell me how do you feel?
Well, I feel like they're talking in a language I don't speak
And they're talking it to me

So you take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or write a song nobody has sung
Or do something that's never been done
Do something that's never been done

So you don't know where you're going, and you wanna talk
And you feel like you're going where you've been before
You tell anyone who'll listen but you feel ignored
Nothing's really making any sense at all
Let's talk, let's ta-a-alk
Let's talk, let's ta-a-alk

Swallowed In The Sea

You cut me down a tree
And brought it back to me
And that's what made me see
Where I was going wrong
You put me on a shelf
And kept me for yourself
I can only blame myself
You can only blame me

And I could write a song
A hundred miles long
Well, that's where I belong
And you belong with me

And I could write it down
Or spread it all around
Get lost and then get found
Or swallowed in the sea

You put me on a line
And hung me out to dry
And darling that's when I
Decided to go to see you

You cut me down to size
And opened up my eyes
Made me realize
What I could not see

And I could write a book
The one they'll say that shook
The world, and then it took
It took it back from me

And I could write it down
Or spread it all around
Get lost and then get found
And you'll come back to me
Not swallowed in the sea


And I could write a song
A hundred miles long
Well, that's where I belong
And you belong with me

The streets you're walking on
A thousand houses long
Well, that's where I belong
And you belong with me

Oh what good is it to live
With nothing left to give
Forget but not forgive
Not loving all you see

Oh the streets you're walking on
A thousand houses long
Well that's where I belong
And you belong with me
Not swallowed in the sea

You belong with me
Not swallowed in the sea
Yeah, you belong with me
Not swallowed in the sea

Such A Rush

Such a rush to do nothing at all
Such a fuss to do nothing at all
Such a rush to do nothing at all

Such a rush to get nowhere at all
Such a fuss to do nothing at all
Such a rush

And it's just like you said
It's just like you said

Such a rush to do nothing at all
Such a fuss to get nowhere at all
Such a rush, such a rush

And it's just like you said
It's just like you said

So slow down please
Just slow down
So slow down please
Just slow down

Such a rush [x15]

Look at all the people
Going after money
Far too many people
Looking for their money
Everybody's out there
Trying to get money
Why can't you just tell me?
Trying to get money, rush

Such a rush
We all rush
Such a rush

Such a rush [x6]

Strawberry Swing

They were sitting
They were sitting on the strawberry swing
Every moment was so precious

They were sitting
They were talking under strawberry swing
Everybody was for fighting
Wouldn't wanna waste a thing

Cold, cold water bring me round
Now my feet won't touch the ground
Cold, cold water what ya say?
When it's such…
It's such a perfect day
It's such a perfect day

I remember
We were walking up to strawberry swing
I can't wait until the morning
Wouldn't wanna change a thing

People moving all the time
Inside a perfectly straight line
Don't you wanna curve away?
When it's such…
It's such a perfect day
It's such a perfect day

Now the sky could be blue
I don't mind
Without you it's a waste of time

Could be blue
I don’t mind
Without you it’s a waste of time

Could be blue,
Could be grey
Without you I’m just miles away

Could be blue
I don’t mind
Without you it’s a waste of time


I awake to find no peace of mind
I said, how do you live as a fugitive
Down here where I cannot see so clear
I said, what do I know
Show me the right way to go

And the spies came out of the water
But you're feeling so bad cos you know
But the spies hide out in every corner
But you can’t touch them no
Cos they’re all spies
They’re all spies

I awake to see that no one is free
We’re all fugitives
Look at the way we live
Down here I cannot sleep from fear no
I said which way do I turn
I forget everything I learned

But the spies came out of the water
But you’re feeling so bad cos you know
But the spies hide out in every corner,
But you can’t touch them no
Cos they’re all spies they’re all spies

And if we don’t hide here
They’re going to find us
If we don’t hide now
They’re going to catch us where we sleep
And if we don’t hide here
They’re going to find us

And the spies came out of the water
And you’re feeling so good cos you know
That those spies hide out in every corner
They can’t touch you no
Cos they’re just spies
They’re just spies
They’re just spies
They’re just spies
They’re just spies

Speed of Sound

How long before I get in?
Before it starts, before I begin?
How long before you decide?
Before I know what it feels like?
Where To, where do I go?
If you never try, then you'll never know.
How long do I have to climb,
Up on the side of this mountain of mine?

Look up, I look up at night,
Planets are moving at the speed of light.
Climb up, up in the trees,
every chance that you get,
is a chance you seize.
How long am I gonna stand,
with my head stuck under the sand?
I'll start before I can stop,
before I see things the right way up.

All that noise, and all that sound,
All those places I got found.
And birds go flying at the speed of sound,
to show you how it all began.
Birds came flying from the underground,
if you could see it then you'd understand?

Ideas that you'll never find,
All the inventors could never design.
The buildings that you put up,
Japan and China all lit up.
The sign that I couldn't read,
or a light that I couldn't see,
some things you have to believe,
but others are puzzles, puzzling me.

All that noise, and all that sound,
All those places I got found.
And birds go flying at the speed of sound,
to show you how it all began.
Birds came flying from the underground,
if you could see it then you'd understand,
ah when you see it then you'll understand?

All those signs, I knew what they meant.
Some things you can invent.
Some get made, and some get sent,
Birds go flying at the speed of sound,
to show you how it all began.
Birds came flying from the underground,
if you could see it then you'd understand,
ah, when you see it then you'll understand?


Did I drive you away?
I know what you'll say,
You say, "Oh, sing one we know",
But I promise you this,
I'll always look out for you,
That's what I'll do.

I say "oh,"
I say "oh."

My heart is yours,
It's you that I hold on to,
That's what I do,
And I know I was wrong,
But I won't let you down,
(Oh yeah, yeah, yes I will)

I say "oh",
I cry "oh".

And I saw sparks,
Yeah I saw sparks,
And I saw sparks,
Yeah I saw sparks,
Sing it out.

La, la, la, la, oh
La, la, la, la, oh
La, la, la, la, oh

Sleeping Sun

Climb up your mountain
Nineteen and countin'
You have got seven, I have got one

Blinded and hurtin'
This I'm deserving
I've got my secrets
You've only got the sleeping sun

When you've got a secret
Then you've got to keep it
When you've got a question
Answers will come

Running and hiding
Take and dividing
You've got your secrets
I've only got a sleeping sun

Sleeping sun
Oooh um
Ohhhh oh...
Ahhh ahh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh ohh

And you, as I, saw
A piece in a jigsaw
Run up and around it and
Jump up real tall

Run round the houses
North and the souths'
You've got your answers we've
Only got a sleeping sun

Sleeping sun
Oooh um
Ohhhh oh...
Ahhh ahh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh ohh


So I look in your direction,
But you pay me no attention, do you?
I know you don't listen to me.
'cause you say you see straight through me, don't you?

And on and on from the moment I wake,
To the moment I sleep,
I'll be there by your side,
Just you try and stop me,
I'll be waiting in line,
Just to see if you care.

Did you want me to change?
Well I changed for good
And I want you to know.
That you'll always get your way
I wanted to say,

Don't you Shiver?
Sing it loud and clear

I'll always be waiting for you,
So you know how much I need you,
But you never even see me, do you?
And is this my final chance of getting you?

And on and on from the moment I wake,
To the moment I sleep,
I'll be there by your side,
Just you try and stop me,
I'll be waiting in line,
Just to see if you care.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Did you want me to change?
Well I changed for good
And I want you to know.
That you'll always get your way
I wanted to say,

Don't you Shiver?
Don't you Shiver?

Sing it loud and clear.
I'll always be waiting for you.

Yeah I'll always be waiting for you.
Yeah I'll always be waiting for you.
Yeah I'll always be waiting for you.
For you,
I will always be waiting.

And it's you I see, but you don't see me.
And it's you I hear, so loud and so clear
I sing it loud and clear.
And I'll always be waiting for you.

So I look in your direction,
But you pay me no attention,
And you know how much I need you,
But you never even see me.

See You Soon

So you lost your trust
And you never should have
You never should have

But don't break your back
If you ever see this
But don't answer that

In a bullet-proof vest
With the windows all closed
I'll be doing my best
I'll see you soon
In a telescope lens
And when all you want is friends
I'll see you soon

So they came for you
They came snapping at your heels
They come snapping at your heels

But don't break your back
If you ever say this
But don't answer that

In a bullet-proof vest
With the windows all closed
I'll be doing my best
I'll see you soon
In a telescope lens
And when all you want is friends
I'll see you soon
I'll see you soon

I know you lost your trust
I know you lost your trust
I know don't lose your trust
I know you lost your trust

Rainy Day

Then there was rain
The sky wore a veil of gold and green
Night is the bride of a lonely day
Time just floated
Then there was rain
The sound foundations are crumbling
To the ground comes a pyramid tumbling
Time just floated away
We can watch it and stay
And we can listen

Oh rainy day come around
Sometimes I just want it to slow down
And we're separated now
And oh but I love when you come over to the house
I love it when you come over to my house

Then there was rain
I spent the night with the queen of Spain
My lonely little heart well it broke again
Time so vicious
The deeper that the knife goes in
The more you win
You end up with less than where you begin
The deeper that the knife goes in

Oh rainy day come round
Sometimes I just want it to slow down
We're separated now
And oh but I love it when you come over to the house
I love it when you come over to my house

And I love it when you come over to the house
I love it when you come over to my house

I love it when you come over to the house
I love it when you come over to my house

Prospekt's March / Poppyfields

Smoke is rising from the houses
People burying their dead
I ask somebody what the time is
But time doesn't matter to them yet

People talking without speaking
Trying to take what they can get
I ask you if you remember
Prospekt, how could I forget?

Drums, here it comes
Don't you wish that life can be as simple
As fish swimming round in a barrel?
When you've got the gun

Oh when I run, here it comes
We're just two little figures in a soup bowl
Trying to get to any kind of control
But I wasn't one

Now here I lie on my own in a separate sky
Here I lie on my own in a separate sky
I don't wanna die on my own here tonight
But here I lie on my own in a separate sky


So I waited for you
What wouldn't I do?
And I'm covered, it's true
I'm covered in you

If I ever want proof
I find it in you
Yeah I honestly do
In you I find proof

Light and dark
A bright spark
Light and dark
And then, light

So I waited all day
What wouldn't I say?
And are there things in your way?
Things happen that way


And if I ever want proof
Then I find it in you
Yeah I honestly do
In you I find proof

Light and dark
A bright spark
Light and dark
And then, light

Princess of China (Invisible Man Remix)

Whoa, oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh [x2]

Once upon a time, somebody ran,
Somebody ran away saying "Fast as I can,
I got to go, I got to go"
Once upon a time, we fell apart,
You're holding in your hands the two halves of my heart,
Oh whoa, oh whoa

Could've been a princess, you'd be a king,
Could've had a castle, and worn a ring
But no, you let me go,
Could've been a princess, you'd be a king,
Could've had a castle, and worn a ring
But no, you let me go,

You stole my star,
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
You stole my star
La la la la la la

Whoa, oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh

Once upon a time, we were burning bright,
Now all we ever seem to do is fight,
On and on, and on and on and on
Once upon a time, on the same side,
Once upon a time, on the same side,
In the same game
And why'd you have to go?
Have to go and throw water on my flame?

Could've been a princess, you'd be a king,
Could've had a castle, and worn a ring
But no, you let me go,
Could've been a princess, you'd be a king,
Could've had a castle, and worn a ring
But no, you let me go,

You stole my star,
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
You stole my star
La la la la la la

Whoa, oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh

'Cause you really hurt me
No, you really hurt me,
'Cause you really hurt me
No, you really hurt me,
'Cause you really hurt me, oh
You really hurt me, oh
'Cause you really hurt me, oh
You really hurt me

Princess of China


[Chris Martin:]
Once upon a time somebody ran
Somebody ran away saying fast as I can
I've got to go, I've got to go!!!

Once upon a time we fell apart
You're holding in your hands the two halves of my heart
Ohhhhh, ohhhhh!


Once upon a time, we burned bright
Now all we ever seem to do is fight
On and on...
And on and on and on...

Once upon a time on the same side.
Once upon a time on the same side, in the same game
And why'd you have to go, have to go and throw water on my flame

I could've been a princess, you'd be a king
Could've had a castle, and worn a ring
But no, you let me go

I could've been a princess, you'd be a king
Could've had a castle, and worn a ring
But no, you let me go

And stole my star
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la [x3]
You stole my star
La, la la la la laaaaaa

Oooooooh-oh oh oooooooh oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhh
Oooooooh-oh oh oooooooh oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhh

Cause you really hurt me
No you really hurt me
Cause you really hurt me
No you really hurt me
Cause you really hurt me
Ooooooooh you really hurt me, ooooooooh
Cause you really hurt me
Ooooooooh you really hurt me...

Pour Me

Poor me, I'm floating out to sea
An opportunity that went by
Poor you, oh what you gonna do
No what you gonna do, you just cry

Oh, you always come undone
Try into the sun, you don't know why
Poor you, I know what you gonna do
Come on love I'll see it through, I don't know why

I hear you come nearer
I hear you but I don't understand
I hear you come nearer
I hear you but I don't understand

Poor me, now float me out to sea
Oh no just let it be, come on try
Poor you, oh what you gonna do
Oh what you gonna do, you just cry

I hear you come nearer
I hear you but I don't understand
I hear you come nearer
I hear you but I don't understand

I don't understand
I don't understand

Oooh, ahhhh, ahhhh


Look at earth from outer space
Everyone must find a place
Give me time and give me space
Give me real, don't give me fake
Give me strength, reserve control
Give me heart and give me soul
Give me time, give us a kiss
Tell me your own politik

Open up your eyes
Open up your eyes
Open up your eyes
Just open up your eyes

Give me one, cause one is best
In confusion, confidence
Give me piece of mind and trust
Don't forget the rest of us

Give me strength, reserve control
Give me heart and give me soul
Wounds that heal and cracks that fix
Tell me your own politik

Open up your eyes
Open up your eyes
Open up your eyes
Just open up your eyes

And give me love over, love over, love over this, ahhh
And give me love over, love over, love over this, ahhh


When she was just a girl
She expected the world
But it flew away from her reach
So she ran away in her sleep
Dreamed of para- para- paradise
Para- para- paradise
Para- para- paradise
Every time she closed her eyes
Whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh

When she was just a girl
She expected the world
But it flew away from her reach
And the bullets catch in her teeth

Life goes on
It gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly
Every tear, a waterfall
In the night, the stormy night
She closed her eyes
In the night, the stormy night
Away she'd fly.

And dreamed of para- para- paradise
Para- para- paradise
Para- para- paradise
Whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh

She dreamed of para- para- paradise
Para- para- paradise
Para- para- paradise
Whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh.

La la la La
La la la

So lying underneath those stormy skies.
She said oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh.
I know the sun must set to rise.

This could be para- para- paradise
Para- para- paradise
This could be para- para- paradise
Whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh.

This could be para- para- paradise
Para- para- paradise
Could be para- para- paradise
Whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh.

This could be para- para- paradise
Para- para- paradise
Could be para- para- paradise
Whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh.

Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo
Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo


In a haze of stormy haze,
I'll be round, I'll be loving you always, always.
Here I am and I take my time,
Here I am and I'll wait in line always, always.

Only Superstition

The cardboard head I see
Has found its way to me
Its out and its out and its out
Making me cry
I sleep but I will not move
I'm too scared to leave my room
But I won't be defeated, oh no

What if cars don't go my way
And its sure to spoil my day?
But in voices loud and clear you say to me;
"Its only superstition
Its only your imagination
Its only all the things that you fear
And the things from which you can't escape"

Keep clean for the thousandth time
Stand still and wait in line
Some numbers are better than others
Oh no


And its making me cry, and its making me cry
And I'm slipping away, I'm slipping away

Its only superstition, only your imagination
And its only superstition, only superstition.

One I Love

Could you, could you come back
Come back together
Put yourself on the band
And see us forever

Could you, could you come home
Come home forever
Surely things in the band
Keep us together

Cause you're the one I love
You're the one I love
You're the one I love
Ahhhh, ahhhh

Could you, could you come home
Could you tell me whatever
Tie youself to a mast
It's now or it's never
Could it tear us apart
It'll soon be forever
It's gonna tear us apart
Keep us together

You're the one I love
You're the one I love
Ahhh ahhh
You're the one I love
Yeah yeah you're the one


You're the one I love
You're the one I love
You're the one I love


Wait for your call, love
The call never came
Ready to fall up
Ready to claim
And I'm ready for it all, love
Ready for the pain
Meet under sun and
Meet me again
In the rain
In the rain

Behind the walls, love
I'm trying to change
And I'm ready for it all, love
I'm ready for the change
Meet me in blue sky
Meet me again
In the rain
In the rain
In the rain

You've got to find yourself alone in this world
You've got to find yourself alone


(fly on)
A flock of birds hovering above
A flock of birds
That's how you think of love

And I always
Look up to the sky
Pray before the dawn
Cause they fly always
Sometimes they arrive
Sometimes they are gone
They fly on

A flock of birds
Hovering along
Into smoke I'm turned and rise following them up

Still I always
Look up to the sky
Pray before the dawn
Cause they fly away
One minute they arrive, next you know they're gone
They fly on
Fly on

So fly on
Ride through
Maybe one day I'll fly next to you

Fly on
Ride through
Maybe one day I'll fly with you
Fly on

Don't ever let go

Now My Feet Won't Touch The Ground

Let me go boys let me go
Push my boat from the highest cliff to the sea below
Rocks are waiting boys rocks await
Swoop down from the sky and catch me like a bird of prey

Now my feet won't touch the ground
Now my head won't stop
You wait a lifetime to be found
Now my feet won't touch the ground

Singing now my feet won't touch the ground
Now my head won't stop
You wait a lifetime to be found
Now my feet won't touch the ground
Now my feet won't touch the ground

No More Keeping My Feet On The Ground

Sometimes I wake up, and I'm falling asleep,
And I think that maybe the curtains are closing on me,

But I wake up,
Yes I wake up,

Sometimes I feel that the chance is surprising,
Surprisingly good to be moving around,

So I wake up,
Yes I wake up,

So what? I feel fine,
I'm OK, I've seen the lighter side of life,
I'm alright, I feel good,

So I'll do, I'll try to stop moving,
Sometimes I wake up, and I'm falling asleep,
And I've got to get going so much that I wanted to do,

Yes I wake up,

And this could be my last chance,
This may be my only chance,
Yeah this could be my last chance,
No more keeping my feet on the ground.

Sometimes I feel that the chance is surprising,
Surprisingly good to be moving around,

And I move,
And I wake up,

So what? I feel fine,
I'm OK, I've seen the lighter side of life,
I'm alright, I feel good,
So I'll do, well it's time to stop moving.

And this could be my last chance,
This may be my only chance,
Yeah this could be my last chance,
No more keeping my feet on the ground.

There's nothing to keep me,
Nothing to keep me


Come on now, don't you want to see
This thing that's happening to me
Like Moses had power over sea
So you've got power over me

Come on now, don't you want to know
Cause you're a refuge, somewhere I can go
And you're air that, air that I can breathe
You're my golden opportunity

And oh, oh yes I would
If I only could
And you know I would
And baby I, oh baby I

Come on now, don't you want to see
Just what a difference you've made to me
And I'll be waiting no matter what you say
And I'll keep waiting for days and days and days

And oh, oh yes I would
If I only could
And you know I would
And baby I, oh baby I
I wish
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh

If the sky's gonna fall down let it fall on me
If you're gonna break down you can break on me
If the sky's gonna fall down let it fall on me
Oh, let it fall on me

Moving To Mars

Somewhere up above the stars
The wreckage of a universe floats past
Somewhere up above my heart
A tiny little seed is sown, a government is overthrown,
Who knows when we'll be coming home at last

And I heard it on the radio that one day we'll be living in the stars
And I heard it on a TV show that somewhere up above and in my heart
They'll be tearing us apart, maybe moving us to Mars
We won't see the earth again
And the seconds just remain unchanged

8 to 9, 9 to 10
We are meeting for the first time
We might never meet again, you and me
We are meeting for the first time can't you see
7 6 5 4 3
We are meeting for the first time
Singing this space symphony

They'll be tearing us apart, maybe moving us to Mars,
Past the satellites and stars, they're moving us to Mars


Murder coming to get us
Yeah coming to get us and away we hide
Murder, see it all around us
See it all around us
And away we hide

Murder coming to get us
They're coming to get us
And away we hide
Away we hide

Tie me to a tree
Tie my hands above my head
Sing a song to me
Sing a song like what you said

And they're gonna murder me
They're gonna take me down
Even before I sleep
I cry murder

Come spit at us
Come and throw your weight around
Come and fight with us
Try and knock us to the ground

'Cause they're gonna murder me
They're gonna take me down
Even before I sleep
I scream murder

Oh now what can it possibly gain?
Oh what can it possibly gain?
Oh now what can it possibly gain?
Oh yeah what can it possibly gain?

Cry murder, murder
I cry murder

Murder I'm coming to get us
I'm coming to get us
And away we hide
Murder, see it all around us
See it all around us
And away we hide
Murder coming to get us
It's coming to get us
And away we hide
Murder, see it all around you
See it all around you
And away we hide

Major Minus

They got one eye watching you
One eye, what you do?
So be careful who it is you’re talking to

They got one eye watching you
One eye, what you do?
So be careful what it is you’re tryin’ to do

And be careful when you’re walking into view
Just be careful when you’re walking into view


Got one eye on the road and one on you


Got one eye on the road and one on…

They got one eye watching you
And one eye, what you do?
So be careful 'cause nothing they say is true

Bu-but don’t believe a word
It’s just us against the world
And we just gotta turn to be heard

I hear the crocodiles ticking ’round the world
I hear those crocodiles ticking, they go ticking ’round the world


Got one eye on the road and one on you


Got one eye on the road and hey!

I can hear them climbing the stairs
I got my left side, fight you on my left
Hiding under the chairs


Got one eye on the road and one on you


Got one eye on the road and one on you